CORSIA: Hot air carbon credits cannot offset polluting planes
The first carbon credits issued under the UN’s CORSIA offsetting scheme will do nothing to bring down the aviation sector’s sky high emissions.
The first carbon credits issued under the UN’s CORSIA offsetting scheme will do nothing to bring down the aviation sector’s sky high emissions.
The International Civil Aviation Organisation’s General Assembly has further weakened CORSIA, its only carbon pricing tool. It is high time that the EU stopped being hostage to ICAO and industry interests and tackles aviation emissions regionally.
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Scroll down for French and Spanish COVID recovery needs environmental strings attached Dear members, colleagues and friends, Recent months have been testing times for so many, as the global pandemic continues to pull on the very fabric of our societies. While many countries around the world continue to battle the health crisis, others are already looking at how their economies can start to recover from the …
Scroll down for French and Spanish Interview with (Andrew Murphy – Manager, Aviation at NGO Transport & Environment) For decades the aviation industry has enjoyed favourable conditions to expand its operations throughout Europe with little consideration of their climate impact. At the start of 2020, few could have predicted that the sector’s carbon emissions would …
The letter was updated on 27 May with a new signature Dear ICAO Council members, The ongoing global health crisis has led to a drop in air traffic which in turn has already caused tremendous economic hardship for the aviation sector’s workers. This situation has also led to a drop in CO2 emissions from international …
Read more “Carbon market stakeholder letter to ICAO Council”
This opinion article was first published in Carbon Pulse on March 30, 2020 As part of the work to establish an international carbon market for aviation, CORSIA, a group of experts recently recommended restrictions for the types of carbon offsets that can and cannot be used by airlines. These restrictions were adopted by the UN aviation …
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In a recent report, the Technical Advisory Body (TAB) outlines restrictions for the types of carbon offsets that can be used by airlines under the new aviation carbon market CORSIA. The report provides valuable lessons for the Article 6 negotiations under the Paris Agreement. Summary of lessons for the Article 6 negotiations: Old credits should …
Read more “Six lessons from ICAO’s carbon market expert group report”
Warnings about a shortage of credits under the future aviation carbon market are unfounded. The upcoming decision on what airlines will be able to buy must, therefore, focus on ensuring that only credits from high-quality projects are eligible. It is crunch time again for the ICAO Council, the UN aviation agency’s decision-making body comprised of …
TODAY’S SUPPLY OF CARBON CREDITS AND TOMORROW’S DEMAND FROM CORSIA Carbon Market Watch Factsheet Summary The concern that too few credits will be available to meet demand from airlines under the future aviation carbon market CORSIA is misplaced. Today’s supply from the three largest voluntary programmes alone is enough to cover CORSIA’s demand until well …
Read more “What will airlines buy to offset their pollution?”