Dear Council Members, The decisions you make next month on emissions unit and emissions unit program eligibility for ICAO’S Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) – and the transparency with which you make these – put the credibility of aviation’s climate efforts in the global spotlight. Aviation is facing unprecedented challenges, with …
Read more “ICSA letter to the ICAO Council on CORSIA offset programme eligibility”
The year of climate ambition Dear friends, One year from now, the landmark Paris Agreement will have entered into force and before that, governments should have announced higher climate pledges to put the world on track to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. 2020 has already been dubbed as the year of climate ambition …
Read more “Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – January 2020”
The failure to agree on robust rules to prevent double-counting at the UN climate change conference puts the UN aviation body in a difficult spot as it defines which programmes will be eligible under the future aviation offsetting scheme. It will be paramount to guarantee that airlines will only be allowed to use good quality …
Read more “COP25 outcome puts pressure on ICAO to ensure robust rules for aviation carbon market”
In two parallel global climate processes governments need to finalise details for both international carbon markets under the Paris Agreement and the future aviation offsetting scheme CORSIA. Meanwhile, citizens are losing patience with their leaders that move too slowly in the face of a climate breakdown. Strong action is therefore expected from decision-makers if they …
Read more “What does flight shame have to do with global carbon markets?”
Letter from the International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation to International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Council Members and the Technical Advisory Body (TAB) regarding the transparency of the TAB’s offset programme eligibility assessment. Dear Members of the ICAO Council, Dear Members of the Technical Advisory Body, The decision on which offset programmes should be recognised as …
Read more “Letter on transparency to the ICAO Council and the Technical Advisory Body”
Click here to watch the webinar: Date and time: Monday 25 November 2019, 15.00-16.15 CET This webinar will discuss the state of play of the Paris Agreement market negotiations and explore the future of global carbon markets and the role they can play in addressing the climate crisis. Panel & Moderator Speakers: Jacob Werksman, European …
Read more “Webinar: Carbon Markets at COP25”
EU carbon market unfit to handle coal phase-out Dear friends, A week of climate mobilisations is coming to its end. Ahead of the UN climate summit in New York last Monday, four million people across the globe took to the streets on Friday 20 September to demand that their governments take urgent action to solve the …
Read more “Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – September 2019”
This event provides background on ICAO’s climate impact and measures, consider the double counting dilemma for both general reporting and under markets discussions, and present recommendations and best practice in carbon markets for transparency and accounting.