UNFCCC Side Event: Aviation and Paris: making climate agreements work

Time and venue

Wed, 10 May 2017, 16:45 – 18:15
Bonn Climate Change Conference, Kaminzimmer 113

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has created an offsetting measure for the aviation sector which aims to compensate for emissions growth above 2020 levels. Though international aviation emissions fall under the Paris Agreement, to date they are not included in any Nationally Determined Contributions. ICAO’s Resolution establishing the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) references potential eligibility of UNFCCC offset credits, including CDM, to offset an estimated 2.5 gigatonnes of emissions. To date, sixty-seven states have signaled their interest in participating in CORSIA’s pilot phase.

The Paris Agreement requires Parties to avoid double counting when accounting for their NDCs – but what about climate targets outside of NDCs? What measures must be taken to ensure environmental integrity, namely that a reduction sold to airlines to meet their ICAO target isn’t also counted in the GHG inventory of a state?

ICAO registries and reporting rules are still in development, as are rules for the market mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. However, both will need to ensure avoidance of double counting, in order to prepare for the start of ICAO’s offsetting market in 2021.

This event will provide background on ICAO’s climate impact and measures, consider the double counting dilemma for both general reporting and under markets discussions, and present recommendations and best practice in carbon markets for transparency and accounting.


Moderator –  Aki Kachi, Carbon Market Watch

Organised by

Environmental Defense Fund and Transport & Environment

Bonn 2017 Presentation_Andrew Murphy

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