Combating corporate greenwashing
Despite claiming to be champions of climate action, two dozen of the world’s largest and richest corporations are hiding their climate inaction behind the fig leaf of green-sounding ‘net zero’ plans, concludes the 2023 edition of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor.
Governments must stop their dithering and regulate the green claims companies make.
The assessed corporations are part of the Race to Zero initiative, yet their climate plans will only cut 36% off their combined emissions by their net-zero target years, instead of the 90-95% that is required.
Humanity needs to halve its carbon footprint by 2030 if we are to keep temperature rises within the relatively safe 1.5°C, yet the corporations that have a 2030 target commit to cutting only 15% of their real emissions by 2030.
Almost all the climate plans rely on offsetting. Together, the corporations plan to offset between 23% and 45% of their combined carbon footprint.
A few corporations have shown leadership in some areas of climate action, such as innovating pioneering technology that monitors and matches renewable energy consumption and production round the clock, or investing in electric vehicles and low-carbon fuel.
“At a time when corporations need to come clean about their climate impact and shrink their carbon footprint, many are exploiting vague and misleading ‘net zero’ pledges to greenwash their brand while continuing with business as usual. This dangerous procrastination must stop. Since multinationals have both an oversized impact on the planet and the means to reduce their carbon footprint, they must take real action to clean up their act and not just their image by slashing their emissions.”
Sabine Frank
Executive director, Carbon Market Watch
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