FAQs and explainers
Here at Carbon Market Watch, we’re aware that our work areas are not famous for their accessibility: these are technical issues abounding with jargon and, for anyone without prior knowledge, can be difficult to understand. That’s why we’ve created these guides for anyone dipping their toes into this complex area of climate action.

Why separate carbon removals from other climate targets?
This explainer answers key questions related to the topic of carbon removals, the principle of separate targets, and their implications for implementation.

FAQ: Fixing Article 6 carbon markets at COP29
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement sets out the principles for carbon markets. At COP29, governments must fix all the outstanding issues so as to ensure that Article 6 advances, rather than sets back, the climate agenda. This detailed guide explains what is at stake.

Questioning the integrity of the voluntary carbon market: Introduction
‘Questioning the integrity of the voluntary carbon market’ is a new series of Carbon Market Watch video explainers that answers your question on this neglected topic.

FAQ: Understanding the financial workings of the voluntary carbon market
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement sets out the principles for carbon markets. At COP28, governments will further develop the rules governing these markets.

FAQ: The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
Our latest FAQ has the answers to everything you always wanted to know about the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.

FAQ: EU Emissions Trading System Revenues
Our latest FAQ has the answers to everything you always wanted to know about the EU Emissions Trading System revenues