Ce dossier offre une vue d’ensemble des discussions actuelles concernant l’Article 6 de l’Accord de Paris, qui établit les fondements de mécanismes de marché visant à lutter contre les changements climatiques après 2020. Les grandes leçons à tirer des marchés issus du Protocole de Kyoto y sont exposées, les questions essentielles au coeur des négociations …
Read more “Introduction aux marchés du carbone – Un guide des mecanismes mondiaux de compensation”
Este informe ofrece un panorama de las actuales discusiones bajo el Artículo 6 del Acuerdo de París, donde se establecen los pilares de las medidas climáticas basadas en el mercado después del año 2020. Describe las principales lecciones aprendidas de los mercados del Protocolo de Kioto, haciendo especial hincapié en los problemas fundamentales de las …
Read more “Mercados de carbono 101 – La guía definitiva sobre mecanismos climáticos basados en el mercado”
This briefing gives an overview of the current discussions under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement which establishes the foundation for market-based climate measures after 2020. It lays out key lessons from the Kyoto Protocol markets, highlights essential issues within the Article 6 negotiations, and provides recommendations on how to solve them. It concludes with …
Read more “Carbon markets 101 – the ultimate guide to global offsetting mechanisms”
In 2016, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) adopted the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), a global scheme with the objective of achieving “carbon-neutral growth” after 2020, relying on the use of carbon offsets and sustainable aviation fuel. In this information note to the Parties of the Aarhus Convention, the International …
Read more “Letter to the Parties to the Aarhus Convention on public participation and access to information at the International Civil Aviation Organization”
EU governments breach citizens’ right to information on international aviation climate policy Dear friends, As I write this at the UN Climate Change Conference, Bonn, along with the rest of Western Europe, is sweltering in the scorching heat, an uncomfortable foretaste of what an ever-warming climate has in store for us. I can only hope that …
Read more “Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – June 2019”
European countries who are members of the UN civil aviation body are keeping their work on climate policies for the aviation sector secret from their citizens, in breach of an international treaty on public access to environmental information. The Aarhus Convention covers three principles: access to environmental information, public participation in environmental decision-making and access …
Read more “EU countries under scrutiny for their role in opaque aviation agency “
28 June 2018 – BRUSSELS. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Council approved part of the package of rules for its future aviation offsetting scheme (CORSIA) yesterday in Montreal. The Council postponed decisions on offset and biofuel criteria, fueling concerns that they may be weakened before the next Council meeting in September. The 36 member countries …
Read more “UN aviation body delays decision on key rules for airline offset scheme”
Prepared for the Bonn Climate Change Conference 30 April – 10 May 2018 Carbon Market Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the APA discussions as they relate to the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) agreed in October 2016 at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 39th Assembly, and corresponding …
Read more “Recommendations for CORSIA”
The future aviation offsetting scheme will end up having little impact on the sector’s soaring emissions unless restrictions are applied on what kind of offset credits airlines can purchase, a new study has found. The study, commissioned by the German government, looked at the scenario where all offset credits from the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism …
Read more “Offset restrictions needed to avoid crash landing for the aviation pollution scheme”
Editorial Happy 2018, a pivotal year for stepping up climate action The World Economic Forum’s latest Global Risk Report places climate change as the number one threat facing the world in 2018 – a hot topic at this year’s meeting of world leaders in Davos. Our message to the crowds gathered in the Alpine town: …
Read more “Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – January 2018”