MADRID 15 DECEMBER 2019 Governments at the UN climate talks (COP 25) postponed decisions on future carbon market rules after no agreement was reached on the most contentious issues such as the fate of old credits and measures to avoid double-counting. Carbon Market Watch commends countries who defended strong carbon market rules and calls on …
Read more “COP25: No deal on UN carbon markets as a number of countries reject loopholes”
MADRID 10th December 2019. The UN carbon market talks are at a crossroads in Madrid as ministers take over today. Carbon Market Watch calls on governments to only accept a deal that bans old Kyoto credits, includes rules to avoid double-counting, and to ensure that markets reduce emissions, and include strong environmental and social safeguards. …
Read more “Dodgy carbon market rules risk undermining the Paris Agreement”
Executive summary A very large number of carbon credits has been created through the three carbon markets of the Kyoto Protocol: the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Joint Implementation (JI) and International Emissions Trading (IET). It is unclear what will happen to these mechanisms in the future and whether these old credits will be used under …
Read more “Empty targets? How to avoid trading of hot air under the Paris Agreement”
This document is addressed to Article 6 negotiators and Heads of Delegations at COP25, and proposes a detailed and structured text to address the issues described in the briefing “Empty targets? How to avoid the trading of hot air under the Paris Agreement”. Key numbers from the briefing: ● The potential supply of available CERs …
Read more “How to keep hot air out of the Paris Agreement – technical proposal”
In two parallel global climate processes governments need to finalise details for both international carbon markets under the Paris Agreement and the future aviation offsetting scheme CORSIA. Meanwhile, citizens are losing patience with their leaders that move too slowly in the face of a climate breakdown. Strong action is therefore expected from decision-makers if they …
Read more “What does flight shame have to do with global carbon markets?”
Carbon Market Watch priorities at the COP25 in Madrid BRUSSELS 27 November 2019. The next round of UN climate talks takes place in Madrid from 2 to 13 December. The future of carbon markets could be a make or break element for climate action as some countries attempt to cash-in on badly designed mechanisms. While …
Read more “Markets must increase climate action, not undermine it”