Alternatives to offsetting are no longer fringe

Carbon market stakeholders are slowly moving beyond the zero-sum game of offsetting towards alternative ways of financing climate action. This positive development will make the existing market more robust, helping to shield it from reputational risks and environmental integrity scandals. Offsetting – paying someone else to reduce emissions instead of reducing one’s own – has …

Taller de capaticación online sobre mercados de carbono en Latinoamérica

La grabación del webinar está disponible aquí Martes 4 de Agosto, 10 am Colombia y Perú • 11 am Chile• 12 pm Brasil y Argentina Las panelistas Florencia Ortuzar, 9AIDA Astrid Bernal, Baranquilla+20 Gilles Dufrasne, Carbon Market Watch Angelica Beltran, Baranquilla+20 (moderadora) El contexto A pesar de que los países parte de la Convención Marco …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – January 2021

New Year New Climate Momentum The private-sector task force, led by Mark Carney, has published its roadmap for “scaling up voluntary carbon markets”. More investments in climate action are, of course, more than welcome. But the task force should pay more attention to quality – instead of focusing on quantity. One striking omission in the new …

Carbon markets in a crystal ball: what does the future look like?

WEBINAR recording is available on YouTube, or watch below Date and time Wednesday, December 16th, 16-17:15 (CET) Background With numerous “net zero” and “carbon neutrality” pledges being announced, carbon markets are booming, but does this equal climate action? In this webinar, we will discuss the new financial sector-led taskforce to “scale up” the voluntary market, …

Marchés carbone agricoles – Compensation carbone: fausse solution pour un vrai problème ?

Les projets de réduction d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) du secteur agricole, en particulier ceux visant à accroître la séquestration du carbone dans les sols, sont de plus en plus liés à des mécanismes de compensation carbone. Pourtant, ces initiatives présentent de nombreux risques. D’abord, les mécanismes agricoles de compensation risquent de …

Carbon markets and agriculture – why offsetting is putting us on the wrong track

Read guide in French A joint briefing by Carbon Market Watch, Secours Catholique, CCFD – Terre Solidaire and Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy (IATP) Executive summary Climate mitigation projects in the agriculture sector, particularly those focused on storing carbon in soils, are increasingly being tied to carbon markets. But the impact of these initiatives …

Carbon Market Watch feedback to Gold Standard’s document “Operationalising and scaling post-2020 carbon markets”

Carbon Market Watch welcomes Gold Standard’s vision for the post-2020 voluntary market and supports the idea of developing a new type of claim which would not be used for compensation of greenhouse gas emissions. If carbon credits continue to be used as offsets/compensation, we also support the position that this should only be possible if …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – September 2020

Europe’s renewed climate commitment under scrutiny Dear friends, The European Commission has proposed to strengthen Europe’s 2030 climate target to at least 55%. While a very positive development, the new target nevertheless falls short of what science says is needed for the EU to do its share to keep global warming at safe levels. Critically, …

ICAO’s carbon market report offers valuable lessons for Article 6 talks

This opinion article was first published in Carbon Pulse on March 30, 2020 As part of the work to establish an international carbon market for aviation, CORSIA, a group of experts recently recommended restrictions for the types of carbon offsets that can and cannot be used by airlines. These restrictions were adopted by the UN aviation …