Banding together: How your favourite musical artists are tuning into the climate crisis

From Massive Attack to Billie Eilish and Coldplay, musicians are banding together to address climate change, with varying degrees of success  At Carbon Market Watch, we have investigated the climate impact of mega sporting events. Mega not only in their public appeal but in their climatic impact. Our reports analysing the carbon footprints of both …

Viser le vert: Évaluation de la stratégie climat et de la communication des jeux olympiques de Paris 2024

Tous les quatre ans, le monde se réunit pour célébrer l’événement sportif le plus important, les Jeux olympiques. Les records démontrant les plus grandes performances athlétiques humaines sont battus et célébrés à juste titre, mais alors que l’humanité continue de battre des records de température mondiale beaucoup moins convoités, le rôle des méga-événements doit être mis en évidence, et des cadres organisationnels meilleurs et plus responsables devraient monter sur la plus haute marche du podium.

Going for green: Assessing the climate strategy and communication of the 2024 Paris Olympics

The world comes together once every four years to celebrate its pinnacle sporting event, the Olympic games. Records demonstrating the greatest human athletic achievements are broken and rightly celebrated, but as humanity continues to smash much less coveted records of global temperatures, the role of mega events has to be highlighted, and better, more responsible organisational frameworks should top the podium.

Going for green: Is the Paris Olympics winning the race against the climate clock?

Aware of the impact of the games on the climate and of record temperatures on the games, organisers of the Paris games have pledged to break records when it comes to reducing the impact of this mega event on the planet. ‘Going for Green’, a Carbon Market Watch and éclaircies report assessing the credibility of these plans reveals that if completely implemented, only 30% of the expected carbon footprint is covered by a robust climate strategy.