© Dr. Paulo Brando

Quality assessment of REDD+ carbon credit projects

The report is focused on the four crediting methodologies that have generated almost all REDD+ carbon credits to date, all under Verra, the largest voluntary carbon market registry, and concludes that REDD+ is ill-suited to carbon crediting.

Grievance complaint to Verra

A letter sent from Carbon Market Watch detailing a formal complaint related to the registration of – and issuance to – REDD+ projects under the VCS.

Comments on proposed Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) project for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradations in Papua New Guinea

Kanaka Management Services Private Limited, a project developer, has proposed a Verra Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) project entitled ‘REDD+ Project in Oro Province of Papua New Guinea‘. If approved, this proposed project would be the second largest Verra VCS project, generating 8.1 million credits annually for 100 years. The proposed project was open for public …

COP19 analysis

COP19 concluded with a package of decisions and an even bigger bunch of undecided issues that will be discussed at the next session in June 2014.