COP27 FAQ: Article 6 of the Paris Agreement explained

The rules governing carbon markets agreed at the COP26 in Glasgow need to be translated into functioning and effective mechanisms at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh. This handy Carbon Market Watch guide explains Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, how it works and main the issues at stake.

Carbon Market Watch recommendations on carbon market infrastructure for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

This note aims to inform countries and negotiators discussing the establishment of new infrastructure under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement regarding existing shortcomings of registries and project databases that should be improved. It can also serve voluntary market actors, in particular programmes, to improve their existing platforms and remedy some of the shortcomings identified. …

October editorial: COP26 and the rise of the climate inactivists

We fight the climate wars no longer only against denialists but also against what climate scientist Michael Mann calls “inactivists”, writes Sabine Frank.  I don’t know at which UN climate conference this trend began, but at COP15 in Copenhagen, the shift was certainly not yet apparent. The recent BBC ‘conspiracy thriller’ The Trick is a  …

COP26: Five reasons why carbon markets (Article 6) matter

Carbon markets are high on the agenda at the UN’s COP26 climate change conference. Carbon Market Watch’s Gilles Dufrasne has prepared this handy guide to explain the issues at stake related to Article 6. The next UN climate change conference (COP26) kicks off this weekend. One of the key items up for negotiation is the …

Briefing for ministerial discussions on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Introduction: The UK COP Presidency has planned informal ministerial consultations on July 7 and July 12, in order to make progress on Article 6, which is still in stalemate despite recent technical discussions. Ministers have been asked to discuss a set of framing questions on three key sticking points: double counting of emissions, possible transition …

Carbon Market Watch input to SBSTA on matters related to article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Views on the rapid operationalisation of article 6 This submission is part of a series of submissions responding to the monthly calls from the SBSTA chair covering several aspects of article 6 The operationalisation of Article 6 should guarantee integrity, transparency and inclusiveness. Speed should not undermine the overall objective of contributing to the Paris …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – January 2021

New Year New Climate Momentum The private-sector task force, led by Mark Carney, has published its roadmap for “scaling up voluntary carbon markets”. More investments in climate action are, of course, more than welcome. But the task force should pay more attention to quality – instead of focusing on quantity. One striking omission in the new …

Carbon Market Watch response to Inception Impact Assessment on the EU ETS

Key elements for the revision of the EU ETS The upcoming revision of the EU Emission Trading System represents a crucial opportunity to strengthen the Directive and ensure it contributes to the goals of the Paris Agreement.  Carbon Market Watch believes that the upcoming review should include the following elements.  An increase of the Linear …