Civil Society Workshop – Implementing the Paris Agreement and tackling climate challenges in Central and Eastern Europe


Download the workshop report here.

Download presentations below:

DAY 1: Addressing sectoral emissions through Effort Sharing

Introduction to EU climate policies, Femke de Jong, Carbon Market Watch

What is the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR)?, Carlos Calvo Ambel, Transport&Environment

Links between the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) and low carbon transition, Carlos Calvo Ambel, Transport&Environment

What the ESR means for Member states’ national targets, Carlos Calvo Ambel, Transport&Environment

The impact of municipal waste management on climate change, Pawel Gluszynski, Zero Waste Europe

ESR: Romanian perspective, Raul Cazan, 2Celsius

The ESR in Slovenia, Katjusa Savc, Focus

Tackling deforestation through ESR, Hannah Mowat, FERN

How can national NGOs can help, Cristina Mestre, Transport&Environment

DAY 2: Transition through the EU Emission Trading System

What is the EU Emission Trading System (ETS)?, Agnes Brandt, Carbon Market Watch

Free allowances for power sector through Article 10c: lessons learned for the post-2020 revision of the EU ETS, Urska Trunk, Carbon Market Watch

Modernisation Fund How to support EU Emissions Trading System reform in Central and Eastern Europe, Aleksandra Mirowicz, Sandbag

The effect of CEE coal power plants on health, air quality and climate change, Weronika Piestrzynska, HEAL

Art 10c: Experience from Poland, Agnieszka Warso-Buchanan, ClientEarth

Art 10c: Experience from Romania, Mihai Stoica, 2Celsius

Art 10c: Experience from Czech Republic, Klára Sutlovicová, Glopolis

How can national NGOs help?, Anja Kollmuss, CAN Europe



It is a pleasure to invite you to our upcoming civil society workshop on the implementation of European climate policies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).

At a time when the world has agreed on a universal agenda to address the global challenges of climate change, notably with the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the European Union (EU) is in the process of adopting legislative proposals to bring its climate policies in line with these global commitments.

From addressing energy insecurity, and lowering air pollution, to ending dependence on unsustainable energy systems, and protecting forests and other ecosystems, addressing climate change at the EU and national level is critical for the transition to climate friendly societies.

This workshop aims to engage civil society organizations from CEE to get involved in the advocacy work on the EU’s climate mechanisms, help ensure that national experiences and input are incorporated into the campaign activities of Brussels-based NGOs and provide NGOs with the necessary tools to effectively work on the EU climate policy files.

We hope this could lead to the development of a broader coalition of informed civil society organisations to influence the EU and national policies.

The workshop programme will address the following topics:

  • Overview of European climate policies: what’s at stake and how to get involved?
  • National experience with the modernisation of the energy sector in CEE and the links with the EU’s Emission Trading System
  • National experience with reducing emissions from forestry, transport, agriculture, and waste sectors and the links with the EU Effort Sharing Regulation

Who should attend?

  • CSO representatives who work on EU or national policies related to climate change
  • Academics and research institutions

How much will it cost to participate?

  • Participation is free of charge
  • Coffee and lunch is provided
  • Representatives of NGOs in CEE countries can apply for travel expenses and accommodation costs

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