CDM Methodologies AM0028 and AM0034 only deal with N2O destruction. This submission expresses CDM Watch’s serious concerns that there is a perverse incentive to create more N2O than is economically necessary by using a sub-optimal primary gauze that does not minimize N2O formation. Project developers could therefore avoid to install a primary gauze that would …
Read more “Comments and Suggestions for Improvement for methodologies AM0028 and AM0034 on Nitric Acid treatment”
Over the last years, CDM Watch has engaged with a wide range of civil society actors with the aim to coordinate public participation and communication with the Board. However, a significant number of obstacles remain within the CDM procedures. Communication between civil society representatives and the Board mainly happens via means of public participation in the CDM process cycle. Therefore, this submission focuses particularly on how to improve the public participation as a means to improve direct communication with the Board.
Joint submission to the AWG-LCA highlighting views on New Market-based Mechanisms. The submission evaluates experiences with the CDM and highlights concerns about Baseline-and-Credit Mechanisms.
In CDM Watch´s view, discussions about the future of the flexible mechanisms including the consideration of new project activities should be firmly grounded in an analysis of their performance so far. So far, the CDM has failed to meet its dual objectives of supporting cost-effective climate change mitigation and sustainable development in developing countries. This submission sets out CDM Watch´s general opposition to the inclusion of CCS in CDM and subsequently addresses the different issues referred to in paragraph 3 of the CMP Decision. It should be noted that this submission does not refer to CCS technologies outside the CDM .
In CAN’s view, discussions about the future of the flexible mechanisms including the consideration of new project activities should be firmly grounded in an analysis of their performance so far. So far, the CDM has failed to meet its dual objectives of supporting cost-effective climate change mitigation and sustainable development in developing countries. Yet, even …
Read more “Submission to call for input (SBSTA): CCS in Geological Formations as CDM Project Activities (CAN-I submission)”
CAN strongly believes that any new market-based mechanisms must take into account and build upon the lessons learned from the operation of existing market-based mechanisms during the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol to ensure the environmental integrity of any new mechanisms as well as the overall UNFCCC regime. this submission highlights 1) the …
Read more “Submission to call for input (AWG-LCA): Views on New Market-based Mechanisms”
In this submission the Climate Action Network International looks at a non-exhaustive list of policies and measures which are aimed at directly or indirectly reducing or mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. For each of the measures a short analysis will be provided together with an assessment of their cost-effectiveness. The types of measures discussed are placed under the categories financial instruments or regulatory approaches, both in a broad sense.
18 January 2011 – CDM Watch statement on quality restrictions on the use of industrial gas offsets in the EU ETS (download pdf here) At its meeting on 21 January, the Climate Change Committee, a body made up of technical experts from the 27 EU Member States, is scheduled to vote on the European Commission’s …
Read more “CDM Watch statement on quality restrictions on the use of industrial gas offsets in the EU ETS”
Last Wednesday CDM Watch attended a public hearing organized by the EPP Group in the European Parliament on “Shortcomings undermining the Integrity of the Clean Development Mechanism.” With EU Member States poised to vote on the Commission’s proposal to ban certain industrial gas offsets from the EU’s flagship Emissions Trading Scheme – or EU ETS …
Read more “Calling all Member States: Stop Corporate Europe from sabotaging EU ban on fake carbon offsets”
n contrast to other methodologies, ACM0013 does not account for the vintage of data used to establish the emissions benchmark. The request addresses this issue by adjusting the baseline efficiency used for the time vintage between the period considered for establishing the benchmark and the start of commercial operation of the project plant. The adjustment is based on the autonomous technological improvements observed in the sector.