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U-turn on EU’s Emissions Trading System for road transport and buildings carries huge environmental, social and economic price tag
A small number of politicians are pushing to reverse course on the Emissions Trading System for road transport and buildings (ETS2). However, such a u-turn would fuel the climate crisis and cost European society and the economy dearly. Member states have all the tools to roll out ETS2 fairly and effectively but they need to act now.

Unsafe for takeoff: False solutions will not help aviation sector navigate climate crisis
The aviation industry is championing offsetting, carbon removals and other technical quick fixes to help it fly under the radar of climate action and avoid actual emissions reductions.

EU’s Emissions Trading System v UN’s CORSIA: Which is better for the climate?
No airline has yet been obliged to use a single carbon credit under the UN’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). And when they will, CMW research reveals the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) imposes a carbon price on aviation emissions that is 25 times higher.

Project for fair and EFFECTive EU carbon trading policies officially springs into Life
Carbon Market Watch is campaigning alongside eight EU and national civil society organisations for the imminent Emissions Trading System for road transport and buildings and the Social Climate Fund to deliver a fair and effective decarbonisation transition.

International maritime sector must set sail for a just and clean transition
Parties to the International Maritime Organisation are meeting in London to discuss various proposals to decarbonise the shipping sector. Carbon Market Watch gives our verdict over what’s on the table.

EU governments miss crucial deadline to pass new Emissions Trading System into national legislation
All but one European Union member state have fallen foul of the date to enter the new Emissions Trading System for road transport and buildings (ETS2) in the national law books. This delay sends completely the wrong signal, argues Eleanor Scott.

Public consultation: UK Emissions Trading Scheme Scope Expansion to maritime
CMW welcomes the proposed integration of the maritime sector into the UK Emissions Trading Scheme as of 2026.

Previsiones del transporte marítimo: Evaluación de las propuestas de medidas de mercado para la descarbonizacion del transporte maritimo en el marco de la estrategia de la Organización Marítima Internacional
This Carbon Market Watch policy briefing assesses and scores the various proposals of parties to the IMO to decarbonise the shipping industry

Prévisions concernant le transport maritime: Évaluation des propositions de mesures basées sur le marché (MBM) dans le cadre des stratégies de décarbonation du transport maritime à l’Organisation maritime internationale
This Carbon Market Watch policy briefing assesses and scores the various proposals of parties to the IMO to decarbonise the shipping industry