Latest news and publications

Competitive, but at what cost?
There is an increasing need for both public and private expenditure, and an availability of growing ETS revenues. Those delivering the most climate action must be rewarded.

Heavy industry must not swallow up Flemish Climate Fund
Heavily polluting industries are on course to receive the lion’s share of Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) revenue earmarked for Flanders between now and 2030, depriving the government of desperately needed resources to finance decarbonisation and a just transition. The Flemish government must change course

FAQ: EU Emissions Trading System Revenues
Our latest FAQ has the answers to everything you always wanted to know about the EU Emissions Trading System revenues

FAQ: Social Climate Fund
Our latest FAQ has the answers to everything you always wanted to know about the Social Climate Fund

EU ETS key policy and advocacy milestones
This timeline of future EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) policy milestones is useful for civil society organisations and activists to identify moments for advocacy activities.

EU ETS price slump: The spectre of oversupply haunting Europe
The recent drop in prices on the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) threatens to slow industrial decarbonisation and to deprive state treasures of urgently needed funds for climate action.

Delegated Act on permanent emission storage through carbon capture and usage (CCU)
In response to a European Commission consultation, CMW outlined its view on the role of permanent carbon capture and utilisation in the EU’s Emissions Trading System.

European Commission’s consultation on the ‘Do No Significant Harm’ Principle in the Social Climate Fund
Carbon Market Watch provided feedback to the European Commission’s consultation on the ‘Do No Significant Harm’ Principle, a criteria for EU funds that aims to ensure that EU projects do not contribute to environmental degradation.

EU ETS 101: A beginner’s guide to the EU’s Emissions Trading System (2024 update)
This beginner’s guide to the EU ETS aims to build knowledge and understanding of Europe’s carbon market for civil society organisations who have little or