CDM Watch submission to the AWG-LCA on Framework for Various Approaches highlights that market-based mechanisms alone are not enough to finance adequate emission reduction activities. Public finance to seed mitigation activities by building capacity and governance infrastructures and by fostering mitigation policies is vital to enable sufficient private finance for global low-carbon development. Framework must draw upon the lessons learned and experiences from existing market based mechanisms, such as the CDM, JI and the EU-ETS.
CDM Watch submission on new market mechanisms to the AWG-LCA. It highlights that the design of a NMM must draw upon the lessons learned and experiences from existing market based mechanisms, such as the CDM, JI and the EU-ETS and reiterates that a NMM alone is not enough to finance adequate emission reduction activities. International NMM must not compete with domestic action in developing countries while many questions on environmental integrity need to be properly addressed first.
CDM Watch urges Panel members to assess the broader context in which the CDM functions and to examine the role of the CDM in keeping temperature rises below 2?C. We therefore stress that it is more important than ever to reassess which CDM project types are fit to contribute to a low carbon economy. It is also important to provide incentives for developing countries to increase their own emission reductions. With new market mechanisms on the horizon, Panel members should also assess how the environmental integrity of co-existing market mechanisms can be ensured. With more than 5,000 CDM projects in the pipeline that will be operational for many years to come, CDM Watch also urges Panel members to reassess and improve stakeholder involvement in the CDM, including during the operational phase of CDM projects.
On behalf of the organisations listed above and civil society around the world, we call on your Excellency to work with Parties to ensure a CMP decision is taken during COP-17 that excludes coal projects from the CDM.
This paper outlines key positions by CDM Watch on the reform of the CDM. It explains key issues and also recommends draft text for following CMP decisions for adoption at CMP.7
CDM Watch submission to the CDM EB 64th annotated agenda meeting with regard to the Meth Panel’s reports on 1) methodology NM0355 N2O from adipic acid production, 2) methodology ACM0013 for coal projects in the CDM, 3) Methodology AM0001 on HFC23 , 4) Request for registration of a coal project, 5) Request for Renewal of HFC-23 Ulsan project, 6) CDM validation and verification standards (VVS), 7) Draft work programme on standardised baselines, 8) Guidelines for the demonstration of additionality of microscale project activities, 9) consideration of sustainable development co-benefits report and 10) consideration to discuss the assessment of additionality of large-scale projects.
Stakeholder concerns can only be addressed if clear rules and guidelines are in place to enable stakeholders to comment on projects and to guide project participants and DOEs on how such concerns need to be sought and addressed.
CDM Watch welcomes the opportunity to respond to the CDM Executive Board’s call for public inputs on First‐of-its‐Kind (FOIK) and Common Practice (CP). CP and FOIK have been discussed for several years now. CP is already incorporated in the additionality tool and the combined tool. The guidelines for objective demonstration and assessment of barriers give further guidance …
Read more “Submission to call for input: First-of-its-Kind and Common Practice”
CDM Watch welcomes the opportunity to respond to the CDM Executive Board’s important call for public inputs on the validation process. Our response identifies current issues and suggests how improvements to the existing modalities could be made. We make concrete recommendations on how the validation process can be strengthened by providing guidelines and rules to …
Read more “Submission to call for input on CDM Validation Process”
Our response describes how co‐benefits and negative impacts can be included in the documentation of CDM project activities to maximise a project’s sustainability benefits while minimising its potential risks and harmful consequences. We also explain how stakeholder participation can be improved to achieve greater civic participation, transparency and fairness. CDM EXECUTIVE BOARD CALL FOR PUBLIC …
Read more “Submission to call for input: Sustainability Benefits in the CDM”