Towards 2040 and beyond: The role of carbon removals in the EU climate framework

3 December 2024 | 10:30 – 13:30 CET | RED Radisson Hotel, Rue d’Idalie 35, 1050 Bruxelles and online REGISTER HERE   As a supplement to fast, deep and sustained emissions reductions, carbon removals will be needed to balance out the emissions that society deems vital and hard to abate, and to lower historical greenhouse gas …

Banding together: How your favourite musical artists are tuning into the climate crisis

From Massive Attack to Billie Eilish and Coldplay, musicians are banding together to address climate change, with varying degrees of success  At Carbon Market Watch, we have investigated the climate impact of mega sporting events. Mega not only in their public appeal but in their climatic impact. Our reports analysing the carbon footprints of both …

VCMI’s new framework needlessly endangers its credibility

The Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity initiative’s latest guidance on the use of carbon credits by companies undermines VCMI’s stated mission of combating greenwashing and setting out a framework for making valid climate claims.  Last year, VCMI published its long anticipated Claims Code of Practice, which provides guidance for companies on how to use carbon credits …

“Net zero” oil company: Climate action or oxymoron?

Occidental Petroleum (Oxy) has positioned itself as a global leader in direct air capture, carbon capture and utilisation, and enhanced oil recovery. In ambiguous messaging, the oil and gas company depicts these processes as both an effective tool for tackling the climate crisis and as a mechanism for extending business as usual fossil fuel production and consumption for decades to come.

Viser le vert: Évaluation de la stratégie climat et de la communication des jeux olympiques de Paris 2024

Tous les quatre ans, le monde se réunit pour célébrer l’événement sportif le plus important, les Jeux olympiques. Les records démontrant les plus grandes performances athlétiques humaines sont battus et célébrés à juste titre, mais alors que l’humanité continue de battre des records de température mondiale beaucoup moins convoités, le rôle des méga-événements doit être mis en évidence, et des cadres organisationnels meilleurs et plus responsables devraient monter sur la plus haute marche du podium.