Date and time: Thursday, 5th December 2019 14:00-15:00 This webinar will identify concrete instruments under the EU’s Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) to help Poland, Hungary and Romania to finance the investments needed for a clean transition. It will give suggestions to national partners on how to align (or not) the EU Cohesion Fund spending plans and the …
Read more “Webinar: EU budget and NECPs – using Cohesion Policy to finance the clean transition”
As usual, much attention on the recent EU budget proposal for 2021-2027 has focused on how the money will be spent. But where the funds come from and who will pay for Europe’s carbon-free transition is just as important. The European Commission rightly proposes that polluters also contribute to the future EU budget, but how …
Read more “Polluters should pay into the EU budget – but how?”
Dear President Juncker, The co-signatories of this letter represent a broad group of business associations, civil society, think tanks and other organisations who are working together to bring strong support to the EU’s commitment to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement objectives. We are writing to urge you to ensure …
Read more “Open Letter to President Juncker: Towards an EU budget that is in service of achieving Europe’s climate objectives”