Date and time:
Thursday, 5th December 2019
This webinar will identify concrete instruments under the EU’s Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) to help Poland, Hungary and Romania to finance the investments needed for a clean transition. It will give suggestions to national partners on how to align (or not) the EU Cohesion Fund spending plans and the investment needs under the national energy and climate plans (NECPs) and how they can engage in the process.
As an introduction, speakers will present the main findings of assessments of the draft NECPs of the three focus countries, outline investment needs and explore the current EU Cohesion Fund spending plans.
- Markus Trilling (CAN-E) “EU budget for higher climate ambition”
- Agnese Ruggiero (CMW) “NECPs in Poland, Hungary and Romania: the good, the bad and the ugly”
- Raphael Hanoteaux (CEE Bankwatch) “The Programming of EU funds: how it works and how to get involved”