During the course of the new European Commission mandate, Member States are expected to raise more than 200billion in EU ETS revenues. Industry groups and governments are claiming these revenues to cover for their own costs, fill financial gaps, with little consideration to system needs and the principles guiding the ETS Directive. These revenues need …
Read more “Joint letter – EU ETS revenues from polluters to the people”
Carbon Market Watch is campaigning alongside eight EU and national civil society organisations for the imminent Emissions Trading System for road transport and buildings and the Social Climate Fund to deliver a fair and effective decarbonisation transition.
This event will focus on the Social Climate Fund’s role in ETS2 implementation, with a specific emphasis on supporting vulnerable households through the National Social Climate Plans.
This briefing in collaboration with NGO allies outlines the guiding principles necessary for a truly just Social Climate Fund
All but one European Union member state have fallen foul of the date to enter the new Emissions Trading System for road transport and buildings (ETS2) in the national law books. This delay sends completely the wrong signal, argues Eleanor Scott.
The Social Climate Fund (SCF) is the first EU fund developed with the explicit purpose of alleviating energy and transport poverty resulting from the transition towards zero-emission mobility and decarbonised buildings. Our latest FAQ has the answers to everything you always wanted to know about the SCF.
Our latest FAQ has the answers to everything you always wanted to know about the Social Climate Fund
This timeline of future EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) policy milestones is useful for civil society organisations and activists to identify moments for advocacy activities.
Revenue from the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) continues to be spent on subsidising heavy industry pollution rather than on climate action and ending energy poverty.