As this year’s edition of the CCRM reveals, the median absolute emissions reduction commitments by 2030 for the 51 companies assessed was as little as 30% (and 33% at the most optimistic), whereas the world needs a 43% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and 48% in carbon emissions below 2019 levels to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5°C.
At a time when global carbon emissions need to be almost halved by 2030, 51 major corporations’ climate commitments amount only to reducing their median carbon footprint by as little as 30%, reveals the 2024 Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor. Tighter regulations from governments are needed to raise the bar, both for companies which are taking insufficient action, and those who are not doing anything at all.
This joint letter urges the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI), the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol to refrain from granting companies the “flexibility” to offset a portion of their scope 3 (indirect value chain) emissions. “This approach is counterproductive, and largely backed by actors with direct financial interests in …
Read more “Open letter on the use of carbon credits to meet scope 3 GHG targets”
9 April 2024 | 15:00 – 16:00 CET | ONLINE REGISTER HERE Major corporations around the world lay claim to being climate champions with their “net zero” pledges and “carbon neutral” products and services. But how seriously are these multinational companies tackling the climate emergency? Which are taking genuine green action, and which are engaged in …
Read more “Decade of (in)action: Are corporate 2030 climate plans fit for purpose?”
Guidance on the use of carbon credits by private companies published today by the Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity Initiative (VCMI) is a step in the right direction to rein in greenwashing. The proposed set of rules forms a welcome basis to move the conversation forward but more attention should be given to how companies can contribute to climate action outside of carbon markets.
he European Parliament has demonstrated a strong commitment to both consumer protection and the climate when it voted in favour of a ban on companies making “carbon neutral” claims. The Council of the European Union and the European Commission must support such a prohibition during the ongoing legislative process to review EU consumer protection rules.
Although the European Commission understands the problems created by greenwashing, its proposed Green Claims Directive will not end these damaging practices.
Major corporations are making disingenuous ‘net zero’ and ‘carbon neutral’ claims based on dubious emissions offsetting practices rather than actual cuts. This cannot continue.
Carbon removals are not meant as a tool for corporate greenwashing or climate inaction. They should only be used to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Despite claiming to be champions of climate action, two dozen of the world’s largest and richest corporations are hiding their climate inaction behind the fig leaf of green-sounding ‘net zero’ plans, concludes the 2023 edition of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor. For that reason, governments must stop their dithering and regulate robustly what green claims companies are permitted to make.