The 2015 Paris Agreement established the global ambition to “achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the second half of this century”. This is more commonly referred to as “net zero GHG emissions”. To reach net zero targets, substantial gross emissions reductions of over 90% …
Read more “Carbon negative handbook”
Carbon farming and other forms of nature-based temporary carbon sequestration will not store CO2 long enough to tackle the climate crisis nor help farmers. We need better tools, argues Sabine Frank.
A recent report by Carbon Market Watch of 20 global, EU, national and sub-national climate policy frameworks shows that not one governs carbon removals in an environmentally sound way.
This joint letter from Carbon Market Watch and allied NGOs raises a number of key concerns that the European Commission must take on board to ensure the transparent, representative and effective future functioning of the Expert Group on Carbon Removals and its meetings.
Carbon Market Watch, ECOS, EEB, Bellona, IATP, FERN and WWF address an open letter to the European Commission in the context of the anticipated proposal on the Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF). We believe this piece of legislation can have merits and address a gap in the EU climate policy framework, but risks seriously undermining …
Read more “NGO letter to Cabinets on CRCF priorities”