Reporting obligations during the transitional period of the CBAM

Carbon Market Watch has reviewed the draft European Commission implementing regulation on the reporting obligations during the transitional period of the newly introduced Carbon Market Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). Whilst the proposed methodology could be considered rigorous, there are a few shortcomings that need to be urgently addressed. CMW’s recommendations encourage the framework to deliver an …


Final deal on EU carbon market (ETS) gives heavy industry a free pass at the expense of households and taxpayers

The long process that was meant to transform the EU’s Emissions Trading System into an effective tool for climate action has culminated in a final deal that will not reduce Europe’s industrial carbon footprint rapidly enough to tackle the climate crisis. The reformed EU ETS lavishes freebies on polluting industries and leaves households and taxpayers with the bill.

NGO and industry letter to ETS trilogue negotiators: Time to agree on an EU ETS and CBAM that work for the climate and support industrial transformation

A strong reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and a well-designed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) can truly help slash emissions from the goods we produce and import, create a level-playing field for Europe’s low-carbon manufacturers and stimulate the demand and supply of clean industrial products. As the negotiations to finalise the reform …

NGO and industry letter to ETS trilogue negotiators: Time to agree on an EU ETS and CBAM that work for the climate and support industrial transformation

A strong reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and a well-designed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) can truly help slash emissions from the goods we produce and import, create a level-playing field for Europe’s low-carbon manufacturers and stimulate the demand and supply of clean industrial products.  As the negotiations to finalise the reform …

A compromise too far: Why no deal at the European Parliament was better than a bad deal on EU’s carbon market – Updated

Since the European Parliament’s failure to reach an agreement on the comprehensive reform of the EU Emissions Trading System, MEPs have traded recriminations. However, those claiming that the defeated compromise deal was good for the climate are being disingenuous. Our analysis reveals it would have been catastrophic had it gone through.