FAQ: Credible climate claims in a post-offsetting world
What is beyond value chain mitigation (BVCM) and what are the prerequisites for making BVCM claims? In this FAQ, we answer some frequently asked questions.
What is beyond value chain mitigation (BVCM) and what are the prerequisites for making BVCM claims? In this FAQ, we answer some frequently asked questions.
This condensed template provides guidance on best-practice reporting for use by companies to communicate clearly how they contribute to climate action beyond their own value chains, the so-called “beyond value chain mitigation” (BVCM). This template is meant to be used as a complement to existing climate disclosure forms, which focus on companies’ within value-chain impacts …
The full version of this template provides guidance on best-practice reporting for use by companies to communicate clearly how they contribute to climate action beyond their own value chains, the so-called “beyond value chain mitigation” (BVCM). The template has the dual objective of complementing standard setters and voluntary frameworks as they integrate BVCM disclosure into …
Read more “Checklist and template for effective beyond value chain mitigation action (full version)”
Progress on corporate climate claims and new guidance from the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) could help ensure that carbon credits are used more for green action than greenwashing inaction.