Submission to call for input: Sectoral Approaches – Emissions from international aviation and maritime transport (CAN-International)

Submission through the Climate Action Network (CAN) on cooperative sectoral approaches and sector specific actions: emissions from international aviation and maritime transport.


International aviation and maritime transport are major and fast‐growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions, while being under‐taxed from an environmental perspective.1 Yet there is high potential to reduce those emissions globally, beyond the energy efficiency measures developed and considered under the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Carbon pricing would be an effective means of addressing this situation and can be applied fairly and equitably. In addition, it could raise considerable funds to support climate action in developing countries, and in the maritime and aviation sectors.


Part of the remaining funds may be used to finance emissions reductions, both inside and outside the respective international transport sectors, to meet the emissions reductions objectives established. These reductions could be achieved through financing NAMAs, or through purchasing emissions allowances from outside the sector. Options that allow for the use of offsets from other mechanisms would need to be carefully assessed and include stringent quality standards. The experience with JI and CDM has shown that a large fraction of such offsets are not additional.


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