Reasons against the Barro Blanco project and its financing by CERs

The communities next to the Tabasará river as much as those of Bellavista, Veladero and Cerro Viejo and in the district of Tolé (in the Province of Chiriquí), as those of Bakama in the district of Müna (in the indigenous region of Ngöbe Buglé) live intimately interrelated with Rio Tabasará from time immemorial of the colony.

In these activities take place as agriculture and fishing, as also cattle raising, all of these vital activities for the economy of the region. Recently the industry of eco-tourism has been begun in the indigenous ngöbe buglé region. And among its main attractions is found the great Rio Tabasará that has a great historical importance, as much for ngöbes as for also the veragüenses and chiricanos and since this river takes the name of a famous cacique ngöbe buglé in the days of the colony. At the moment it marks in certain places the bordering points between Chiriquí and Veraguas. These activities would be seen seriously affected by this hydroelectric Project Barro Blanco that would mark the end of these activities in this area of the indigenous region. In addition inside the 258,67 hectares of reservoir are numerous cemeteries and pre-Columbian sites of the ethnic ngöbe buglé group. So these lands maintain a historical and sacred importance as much for ngöbes as the national patrimony of the Panamanians.

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