Carbon Market Watch @ UNFCCC SB38, 3-14 June 2013

Bonn-2-adopt-a-negotiator - smallCarbon Market Watch Recommendations for SB-38

Please download our recommendations here.

For summaries, please see our newsletter articles from May 2013:

Workshops and Side Events

Carbon Market Watch will participate and speak at several events in Bonn.

Side Event: An Equitable Solution to Curb Aviation Emissions

Friday 7 June 2013, 16:45—18:15
Aviation emissions have more than doubled since 1990 and are caused by 3% of the world´s richest population. This event bring together voices from the global south and north to discuss a future global deal that respects equity and avoids false solutions such as large scale offsetting.
Presented by: Bread for the World (BfdW) with contributions from Nature Code – Carbon Market Watch.

POLICY BRIEF –  Turbulence Ahead: Market Based Measures to reduce Aviation Emissions
POLICY BRIEF – International Aviation: Addressing emissions while respecting equity issues

PRESENTATION – An Equitable Solution to Curb Aviation Emissions (E Filzmoser)
PRESENTATION – Mitigating Emissions from International Aviation (B Hemmings)
PRESENTATION – An Equitable Solution to Curb Aviation Emissions (S Minninger)


UNFCCC Workshop: on the review of CDM modalities and procedures

Saturday and Sunday 8-9 June 2013
The UNFCCC workshop on the review of the CDM modalities and procedures aims to facilitate the progress of Parties on the review of the CDM modalities and procedures at the forthcoming session of the Subsidiary Bodies.


Side Event: Embedding the CDM Infrastructure in FVA and NMM

Monday, 10 June 2013, 16:45—18:15
The event will present views on similarities of the flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol and the recent developments around FVA and NMM. It will be discussed to which extent the transition of existing infrastructure might support and strengthen these new approaches.
Presented by: Designated Operational Entities and Independent Entities Association (DIA) with contributions from Nature Code – Carbon Market Watch


Side Event: Human Rights Protections in the CDM

Monday, 10 June 2013, 18:30—20:00

This event discusses the numerous concerns have been raised about human rights abuses associated with CDM projects. To protect the rights of affected communities, the CDM must establish institutional safeguards that effectively prevent social and environmental harms, and promote sustainable development.

Presented by: Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) with contributions from Nature Code – Carbon Market Watch.



List of all side events at UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference in Bonn June 2013

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