UNFCCC Negotiations, COP23

The UN’s climate talks continue from 6 to 17 November 2017 in Bonn, Germany. Under the Presidency of Fiji, climate negotiation will address how the Paris Agreement is to be implemented, a pre-curser to further discussion in 2018 on the agreement’s rule book. Open questions remain on the role carbon markets will play in keeping global temperatures at 1.5oC.

The Carbon Market Watch team will be in Bonn to follow the negotiations in relation to the market provisions under [Article 6.2 and 6.4] the Paris Agreement. Our key messages for the talks are:

  • Phase out the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Read our full policy recommendations here
    • Governments must phase out the CDM at the end of the second Kyoto commitment period in 2020, to make way for new effective climate measures under the Paris Agreement.
  • Prevent a race to the bottom – centralised oversight for international markets Read our full policy recommendations here
    • To prevent a race to the bottom in future markets, strong international rules and robust oversight are fundamental for mechanisms currently being developed for the Paris Agreement.
  • Don’t let the aviation deal undermine the Paris Agreement Read our full policy recommendations here
    • ICAO should make its work on its market measure public to allow for identification of areas that could undermine Paris ambition. UNFCCC and ICAO must work together to ensure that the two processes reinforce and not undermine one another.

Read our media advisory here

Read our letter to negotiators here

Our latest publications on carbon markets

Carbon Market Watch events at COP 23

Strengthening the Paris Agreement Transparency Framework through social accountability tools

When? Wednesday November 9th, 13:30-14:30
Where? Climate Planet- Klima und Entwicklung
with Transparency International and CIEL

Ships, planes and Paris: clearly navigating to 1.5°C

When? Tuesday November 14th, 10:00 – 11:45

Where? South African pavilion
Register here

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