COP18 Side Event – Conquering the Phantom Menace: Solutions to the Kyoto Surplus


This event is kindly hosted by the German NGO Forum on Environment and Development

UNFCCC COP18, Qatar Conference Center, Hall 5, Side Event Room 4

If current rules to the Kyoto Protocol are not changed, a gigantic surplus of pollution permits from the first Kyoto commitment period could be carried over to the second commitment period.  This would undermine climate goals and stifle political progress. Resolving the surplus issue is vital to the viability of any future climate regime.

This event will give a political and technical overview of the issue. It will feature the findings of a new study by Climate Analytics that shows the impact of the surplus on climate commitments. The G77 and the Swiss have tabled proposals to minimize the impact of the surplus. Both proposals will be presented and their impact illustrated. The subsequent discussion will focus on how to move beyond the current political and environmental impasse.


Anja Kollmuss, Carbon Market Watch

Climate_Analytics_Doha_Side event AAUs (slide presentation)
Hot topic: AAU surplus. Political implications of the long-term effect of surplus from the first and second Kyoto period (publication, Dec 2012)
Marion Vieweg, Climate Analytics

The G-77 plus China Proposal
Andrew Marquard, Member of the South African Climate Delegation (TBC)

The Swiss Proposal
Jose Romero, Member of the Swiss Delegation

Impact of the G77 and Swiss proposals  
(Slide Presentation)
Influence of rules governing surplus emission allowances on developed country emissions (Publication)
Johannes Gütschow, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

The EUs relationship with_AAU’s: it’s complicated
Tomas Wyns, Center for Clean Air Policy

Q&A and discussion


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