Civil society workshop on sustainable development and future climate politics

From 7-9 October 2014, Carbon Market Watch together with civil society organizations in India organized a workshop on sustainable development and future climate politics.

Co-organizers included: Bank Information Centre, Beyond Copenhagen Collective, Christian Aid, Centre for Education and Documentation (CED), Centre for Environment, Social and Policy Research (CESPR), Center for Research and Advocacy – Manipur, CPSW, Gujarat Forum on CDM, INECC, International Rivers, LAYA, Matu Jan Sangthan, Misereor, Navrachna Samaj Sevi Sanstha, NBJK, Paryavaran Mitra, Paryavaran Vikas Kendra, People’s Developments in People’s Hands, Pipal Tree, the Society for the Promotion of Wasteland Development (SPWD), South Central India Network for Development Alternatives,  Water Initiatives Orissa, the Timbaktu Collective and VPS Mumbai.

Over the duration of 2,5 days, 60 participants from 10 different states in India as well as Nepal discussed recent developments of climate and sustainable development policies in India and internationally with a particular focus on the role of sustainable development in a future international climate treaty. Current aspects of climate change were highlighted with regard to current states of play in Nepal and India, sharing latest political developments related to carbon markets and sustainable development and in particular the respective positions of the new Indian government.

Special emphasize was also given to future carbon markets initiatives in India with particular focus on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). Capacity was built about the role of civil society in designing and implementing NAMAs in India which was followed by lively discussions reflecting huge interest of the workshop participants on this new policy framework and the chances for India in its implementation.

The workshop programme addressed the following topics:

  • Climate politics at regional, national and international level
  • Sustainable development in the CDM
  • NAMAs
  • Public procedures
  • Recommendations for future reforms of climate politics on national and international level

Workshop documentation

  • Read Workshop Report here
  • See Workshop Programme here
  • Open Letter to Indian Prime Minister Modi here


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