A new project led by Carbon Market Watch seeks to empower European civil society to shape the EU’s Emissions Trading System and carbon pricing policies.

Partners attend the (virtual) launch of ETX.

Carbon Market Watch launched Emissions Trading eXtra (ETX) earlier this month. This new project aims to enhance European climate governance and optimise the functioning of the EU’s carbon market, the Emissions Trading System (ETS), through scientific assessment, broader and stronger civil society participation and international collaboration.

Co-financed by the EU’s LIFE programme and the European Climate Foundation, ETX will run from 2021 until 2024, bringing together 10 non-profit organisations from eight different countries.Led by Carbon Market Watch, the consortium includes BBL from Belgium, SSNC and AIRCLIM from Sweden, WISE from the Netherlands, Zero from Portugal, the Green Tank from Greece,  GermanWatch from Germany, the Polish Green Network from Poland and AMO from the Czech Republic.

Demystifying carbon markets

With the European Union set to reform and revamp the ETS to bring it in line with the goals and objectives of the European Green Deal, the project could not be more timely. Carbon pricing policies and carbon markets affect a wide range of stakeholders across the EU.

Despite its status as a central plank of European climate policy, the ETS’s highly technical nature acts as a barrier to public participation. This creates asymmetries in understanding; interest, capacity and access to policymakers between industrial lobbyists and civil society organisations.

Access for all

ETX will work to level the playing field between different stakeholders through capacity building, analysis, events and  workshops.

The project will increase awareness, knowledge and capacity on the functioning of the EU’s ETS and carbon pricing among NGOs in 15 countries. This will enable civil society to better advocate and campaign for improvements in or implementation of these policies.

ETX will also strive to amplify the voice and influence of civil society. It will improve collaboration and coordinated action through broader and stronger European and international networks focusing on carbon markets. The project will also help generate increased political support for EU and national carbon pricing.

About the EU’s ETS

The Emissions Trading System (ETS) is a centrepiece of the EU’s climate policy and its main tool for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Europe’s industrial and power sectors. However, carbon emissions from sectors like steel, cement and chemicals have barely decreased in the past decade. 

To learn more about the project and its future activities, you can contact:

Elisa Martelluci, project manager, [email protected] 

Noemí Rodrigo Sabio, communications officer, [email protected]


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