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Designated National Authority (DNA) Search

To get in contact with Designated National Authorities follow the link below to search by a country (Annex 1/Non-annex 1):

Despite the CDM’s aim to contribute to sustainable development, CDM projects often have serious negative impacts on local communities. A majority of projects are industrial scale projects such as fossil fuel power plants, in particular coal power plants, large hydropower projects, waste incinerators and monoculture plantations. According to some reports, some projects are even implemented in violation of existing national and international laws. Often, the provisions for public participation rules under the CDM and under national environmental impact assessment rules are not followed.

To find out more about the specific campaigns we have worked visit these links:

Together with our growing Network we support actions and campaigns against problematic CDM projects at national and international level. If you have concerns about a specific project or need support in challenging a project, please get in touch with us.

To find out how to research a project registered in the CDM see:

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To review the latest or previous updates for CDM projects see these various sections:


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