Carbon Market Watch inputs to the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body ahead of its 10th meeting: appeal and grievance processes

Carbon Market Watch welcomes the Call for Input for the annotated agenda and related annexes of the next meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body. We would hereby like to submit input on A6.4-SB010-AA-A04 – Draft procedure: Appeal and grievance processes under the Article 6.4 mechanism. For a grievance process, it is of utmost importance …

CMW inputs to the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body ahead of its 10th meeting: Operation of the mechanism registry

Before the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body’s 10th meeting from 26 February to 1 March 2024, Carbon Market Watch prepared inputs on the draft document, “Concept note: Operation of the mechanism registry (v01.0)”. The mechanism registry will be a core part of the Article 6 infrastructure, and all activity- and unit-related data must be made accessible to …

Greta Thunberg and other activists at the Bonn climate change conference

Penetrating the technical fog clouding Article 6 carbon markets

Following the technical deadlock and glacial pace of progress at the Bonn climate conference, negotiators need to get their act together before COP28. Climate commitments should shape the further development of carbon markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, otherwise the environment and society will lose out.

Carbon removals are no substitute for deep emissions reductions, warns IPCC

Carbon removals will become a vital tool for reducing carbon concentrations in the atmosphere but only massive cuts in emissions will give humanity a fighting chance of keeping global heating to 1.5°C or below, says the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The latest IPCC report, which was released in April, outlines various pathways …

Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – April 2018

Editorial It’s been two years since the Paris climate deal was signed, and governments are busy working on the rules to put it into practice. Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn next week, we take a look at what is needed to ensure that international carbon markets increase climate ambition. Shipping is …

Letter: EU must support tackling vested interests at UN climate talks

For the world to reach the necessary ambition to achieve our climate commitments under the Paris Agreement, which would keep average global temperature rises well below 2°C and even 1.5°C, the EU, led by the European Commission, must start supporting efforts to tackle vested interests within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). We, …

Time for ICAO to open its climate change black box

The United Nations climate conferences bring together governments, academics, civil society, media and many others regularly to discuss climate change in the context of the UN Framework Convention. The next meeting takes place 6-17 November in Bonn. At the same time, behind closed doors without public scrutiny, the UN aviation body meets to decide on …

UNFCCC Negotiations, COP23

The UN’s climate talks continue from 6 to 17 November 2017 in Bonn, Germany. Under the Presidency of Fiji, climate negotiation will address how the Paris Agreement is to be implemented, a pre-curser to further discussion in 2018 on the agreement’s rule book. Open questions remain on the role carbon markets will play in keeping …