As re-confirmed by leading climate scientists in October, there is no alternative to near-term emission reductions to limit damage to our planet, ecosystems and people. However, there is a need to prepare for an environmentally sustainable removals capacity that can help reach climate equilibrium in the future.
There is no way around it: the EU LULUCF carbon sink is shrinking. Carbon Market Watch recommends three key areas for improvement in the next revision of the LULUCF Regulation
The European Parliament Environment Committee’s rapporteur has preserved most of the defects in her draft report reacting to the European Commission’s proposed Carbon Removal Certification Framework. The draft report, composed by MEP Lídia Pereira of the European People’s Party, contains many small improvements compared with the European Commission’s original proposal for a Carbon Removal Certification …
Read more “Carbon copy: Draft European Parliament report fails to correct faulty carbon removals framework”
Carbon Market Watch (CMW) supports increasing the climate ambition of the LULUCF Regulation so it can promote climate action while providing much-needed co-benefits in other environmental fields (especially biodiversity and restoration of ecosystems). CMW also supports the feedback from Climate Action Network Europe and Fern. Read full response
The current governance and decision-making process of the CAP is a main barrier preventing the current policy from delivering on its objectives. Representing almost 40% of the EU budget, the CAP has to be aligned with the EU’s environmental, climate and development objectives.