CMW applauds United Nations’ Secretary General António Guterres’s calls for the safe and sustainable use of carbon removals while warning that these technologies were not a “silver bullet” and cannot substitute deep emissions cuts.
The first phase of Carbon Market Watch’s carbon removals co-creation process, “CO2ol Down”, is almost over. Fabiola De Simone explains how this cool project aims to heat up EU action on the bloc’s 2040 target and upcoming legislative process
Participants at the third meeting of the CO2ol Down campaign took a giant leap towards finalising their proposed amendments to the EU Climate Law and policy recommendations for governing permanent carbon removals in the EU
Having set the terms of discussion at the first workshop, participants met in person to brainstorm how the EU should govern permanent removals in a safe and sustainable manner
On Thursday 29 February Carbon Market Watch hosted the first in a series of workshops bringing together kindred spirits from academia, business and civil society to talk carbon removals – and hatch a plan for their measured use in the EU
Carbon Market Watch has launched a new project aimed at collectively designing the way the EU should regulate removals.
Registration Deadline: 31 January 2024 Carbon Market Watch is calling on scientists, civil society organisations and climate ambitious industries to join forces to co-design policy proposals that maximise the benefits of removals while keeping the EU’s ambition to slash emissions safe. Participants will discuss and co-create concrete policies on how to best incentivise carbon removals …
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