The higher carbon prices on the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) of the last three months have caused cross-sectoral concern. Many are placing unsubstantiated blame on speculative trading. But with speculation a minor problem at best, is flooding the market with more carbon allowances a solution or a dangerously reckless move? In the EU, …
Read more “Higher carbon prices: Is speculation truly to blame?”
Read the guide in Spanish Update 1 July: Verra published a statement in response to this report, questioning its findings and accusing it of using flawed methodologies. Our response to Verra is available here. Executive summary The Colombian government adopted a carbon tax of approximately US$5/tCO2e covering fossil fuels in 2016. Companies can avoid paying …
Read more “Two Shades of Green: How hot air forest credits are being used to avoid carbon taxes in Colombia”
27 April 2021 – The shipping industry’s leading global lobby group the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) last week ended its years-long opposition to carbon pricing. It is imperative now that ICS and other sponsors should withdraw their IMRB proposal to allow time for discussion on carbon pricing, and support the far more serious and …
Read more “Shipping industry U-turn on carbon pricing long overdue”
A global shipping pollution price on the horizon As other industries have started paying for their pollution, the maritime sector has been let off the hook. Without urgent action, its emissions are set to rise well into the next decade. This trend goes against the Paris Agreement climate targets and the UN shipping agency’s IMO’s …
Read more “Carbon Market Watch Newsletter – March 2021”
Introduction Discussions and negotiations on carbon pricing for the international maritime sector are starting to pick up steam again at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). This is an opportunity to finally get urgently needed, meaningful global climate regulation for this international sector. The maritime sector is the last emitting sector globally not to be covered …
Read more “Sailing towards a global carbon price in the maritime industry?”
A worldwide shipping carbon pricing scheme must reduce pollution fast, finance technologies that reduce more emissions, and support countries most impacted by climate change. It must not include offsetting nor be allowed to weaken national or regional measures. The global shipping sector is still not paying for the climate damage it is causing. While carbon …
Read more “A global pollution price for ships is back on the agenda – here’s how to get it right”
Vacancy for Policy Officer Carbon Market Watch’s mission is to ensure that carbon pricing and other climate policies cut pollution and drive a just transition towards zero-carbon societies. Given the urgency of halting the climate breakdown, we want market-based climate policies to fulfil their promise and be used in wise combination with regulatory and incentivising measures. Our strengths …
Read more “Carbon Market Watch is looking to hire a Policy Officer”
New report busts industry competitiveness myths Carbon pricing can unlock the potential for innovation and boost new low-carbon businesses. Contrary to industry claims, it plays only a limited role in companies’ location and investment decisions. Sectors such as cement where transport costs are high are unlikely to lose competitiveness due to carbon pricing. The months …
Read more “Pricing pollution can drive green growth “
Last weekend’s European Parliament elections made it clear that climate change will be high on the agenda of the incoming EU policymakers. Different forms of carbon taxes will be among the key climate topics. Last weekend, Europeans cast their vote in record numbers, with an overall turnout at the EU Parliament elections rising to …
Read more “Did the elections mark a turning point for taxing carbon?”
After over a decade of testing carbon pricing schemes, countries should explore lessons learned and start working on a collective implementation of carbon pricing through the Paris agreement. A new report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) supports price floors for carbon markets and suggests that the Paris agreement should constitute a basis for starting …
Read more “It’s time governments moved together towards strong global pollution pricing”