Response to the Letter from MEPs to the CDM Board on the Santa Rita hydroelectric plant project

Ms. Eleonora Evi
Ms. Heidi Hautala
Mr. lgnazio Corrao
Mr. Jo Leinen,
Members of the European Parliament

Date: 15 June 2015

Sent by e-mail to: [email protected]


Dear members of the European Parliament,

On behalf of the Chair of the CDM Executive Board, I would like to thank you for your communication of 20 May 2015, informing us of your serious concern about project 9713: Santa Rita Hydroelectric Plant. Your letter was made available to the CDM Executive Board (the Board).

I hereby inform you that project 9713” Santa Rita Hydroelectric Plant” was registered by the Board on 2 June 2014 after undergoing a review process at the request of Board members. The issues you raise in your letter were looked at during the course of this review and it was found that the proposed project activity had complied with the requirements of the CDM, including the local stakeholder consultation process. Further, the designated national authority (DNA) of Guatemala issued required letter of approval (dated 2 July 2012) confirming that the project will assist Guatemala in its efforts to achieve sustainable development. The DNA had also confirmed to the Board, in the course of the review of the project activity, that the local stakeholder consultation process was carried-out appropriately.

I would like also to inform you that the Board, at its seventy-sixth meeting, adopted the procedure related to the process for dealing with letters from a DNA withdrawing approval/ authorization. Therefore, the Host Party DNA has the possibility, in case the project does not comply with national laws anymore, to withdraw the approval/authorization in respect of a project activity.

Please also be informed that, in accordance with the “Procedure: Direct communication with stakeholders” (version 02.0), the Board will forward your communication to the DNA of Guatemala paragraph 53(c)2. However, please note that such forwarding does not constitute an endorsement by the Board of the content of the communication.

  • Read full Response on CDM website here

  • Read original Letter on CDM website here

  • Read forwared Communication by the CDM Executive Board to the Guatemalan Government here


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