A. Breach of Project Standard: CDM-EB65-A05-STA
1. Breach of General Principal of Transparency (5.6):
The project has not ‘disclosed sufficient and enough information in a truthful manner’
The PDD has not disclosed the area of land to be submerged by the project. The project involves construction of a dam/ weir which is 22 meters in height (not counting height below river bed level as the infomation is not available)
The PDD does not mention this.
The PDD does not mention the extent of submergence due to this dam/ diversion weir.
This has serious implications for rural communities and forest land in the upstream submergence area. Forest land submergence would also have climate implications.
Hence, this is a serious breach of General Principal of Transparency. We request the CDM EB to review the project as several Proponenets are not disclosing this basic infomatioin about submergence, despite it being a breach of Project Standard. It also has serious impacts on communities and ecosystems.
2. Breach of Local Stakeholder Consultation (7.5):
The project has not invited comments in an “open and transparent manner, in a way that facilitates comments to be received from local stakeholders and allows for a reasonable time for comments to be submitted.”
The project proponent did not circulate the notice for Local Stakeholder Meeting in any newspaper. Selective invitations were sent by post to mainly government officials only. We have visited the region and talked with the affected communities. The communities who have lost their houses for the project were not invited for the Local Consultation. They are unaware of the concept of CDM Projects.
Below is a partial list of villagers who have been directly affected but were not invited for the Local Stakeholder Meeting:
Yelagundhi Village
Mr. Sanjeevappa, Son of Mr.Bhimanna, Land acquired for the project: 1.5 Acres
Mr. Sabanna, Son of Mr. Hanlimagolida, Land acquired for the project: 1.5 acres
Mr. Gadappa, Son of Dyamanna, Land acquired for the project 0.5 Acres
Yaragodi Village:
Mr. Kolidappa, Land Acquired for the project: 3 Acres
Mr. Sangappa Hattar, Land Acquiured for the project: 2 Acres)
In addition to people who have lost their land currently, no intimation has been given to stakeholders who will be losing land in submergence and the submergence details are not disclosed.