Report: Tackling 60% of the EU’s climate problem – Member States progress in implementing the Effort Sharing Decision

About this paper

Although non-ETS sectors are responsible for nearly 60% of the EU’s emissions there has been little focus on how Member States are tackling these emissions and how successfully the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) – the piece of legislation that regulates emissions reductions in non-ETS sectors – is implemented.

This paper gives an overview on emissions and sectors covered by the ESD and takes stock of the emissions trends in the most important non-ETS sectors. It provides an overview on the progress of Member States in meeting their 2020 ESD targets, and analyses which Member States have already achieved their targets either with existing or planned measures and which Member States still need to put in place additional measures.

Given the importance of the mitigation targets and contributions from non-ETS sectors in a 2030 climate and energy framework, the papers also aims to inform the policy discussion on the role a new ESD may play under the 2030 climate and energy framework. The legislative framework including the compliance cycle and the various trading flexibilities are discussed in Tackling 60% of the EU’s Climate Problem: The Legislative Framework of the Effort Sharing Decision.


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