Carbon Market Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the European Commission’s proposal for the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive. The revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) represents a huge opportunity to strengthen the directive to ensure it fulfils the objectives of the European Green Deal and effectively addresses the negative impact of industrial emissions on the environment and the climate.
The revision is also a crucial chance to better integrate and align this directive with other key climate policies, especially the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) with the objective of ensuring synergies and consistency between EU legislation, and triggering the necessary reduction in industrial greenhouse gas emissions.
While including some positive changes and new elements, the proposal falls short of effectively addressing and strengthening the IED’s contribution to reducing GHGs. For this reason, Carbon Market Watch recommends the following improvements on the proposal:
- Delete art. 9.1
- Keep the deletion of Art. 9.2
- Require strong, clear and detailed transformation plans in addition to setting binding emission standards on energy-intensive industries, including ETS sectors