The Call for Input for the Draft Procedure: Appeal and grievance processes under the Article 6.4. mechanism (v. 02.0) was open from 3 November-1 December 2023: a four week period coinciding with the lead-up to COP28, which occupied many stakeholders following the Supervisory Body’s work. The number of submissions is low, perhaps as a result of this conflict. For this reason, Carbon Market Watch submitted its input on the draft procedure informally, after the deadline.
For the grievance process, where it is of utmost importance that it is designed by and with those who will be engaging with it, more input is essential to ensure it works for rather than against its users. Carbon Market Watch urges the Supervisory Body to reopen its Call for Input, as well as to actively seek input from IPLCs and other rightsholders as part of a structured consultation. This consultation should be open for submissions for at least a month, and could take place after the 10th meeting of the Supervisory Body. Due to its current condition and the need for further consultation, we do not expect the draft procedure to be ready for adoption at the 11th meeting of the Supervisory Body.
Our recommendations can be found in this document.