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Submission to call for input: First-of-its-Kind and Common Practice

CDM Watch welcomes the opportunity to respond to the CDM Executive Board’s call for public inputs on First‐of-its‐Kind (FOIK) and Common Practice (CP). CP and FOIK have been discussed for several years now. CP is already incorporated in the additionality tool and the combined tool. The guidelines for objective demonstration and assessment of barriers give further guidance on CP. The Methodology Panel made recommendations on how to address FOIK in August 2008. The CDM Executive Board has had this issue on its agenda at almost every single meeting since then. The time and effort already spent on these topics, indicate that there are no simple solutions to this topic and that many decisions are highly contentious. We respond to the specific questions that were posed in Annex 7 of the call and list  a summary of our main points.

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