Recommendations to the CMP on the Reform of the CDM

CDM Watch Recommendations on the Reform of the CDM – 7th Session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP.7), Durban, 28 November – 9 December 2011  (download here)

CMP Agenda Item 7: Issues related to the Clean Development Mechanism.
This paper outlines key positions by CDM Watch on the reform of the CDM. It explains key issues and also recommends draft text for following CMP decisions for adoption at CMP.7:
1. Additionality
2. Standardised Baselines
3. Coal Power Projects (ACM0013)
4. N2O Abatement in Adipic Acid Projects
5. Human Rights
6. Co-benefits and sustainable development
7. Strengthened civil society participation in the CDM process
8. HFC-23 destruction projects

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