Letter sent to EB on behalf of the April 10 Movement for the Defense of the Tabasara River (M-10), Alianza para la Conservacion y el Desarrollo (ACD), Asociacion Ambientalista de Chiriqui (ASAMCHI), International Rivers, Counter Balance coalition and CDM Watch to express our serious concerns about the proposed CDM project involving Generadora del Istmo, S. A. in the Tabasara River in Western Panama.
Following a validation report by the DOE AENOR, which recommends approval, registration of the PA #3237 has been requested. According to the information at the UNFCCC website, review has already been requested based on concerns about the additionality of the project. However, we would like to bring to your attention that not only the additionality of the Barro Blanco Project is seriously questionable, but that our concerns also relate to lack of adequate public consultation and the potential use of CERs for the compensation of affected communities as well as human rights abuses involving the company GENISA against the lands of the Ngobe indigenous peoples. (download full letter below)