Carbon Market Watch input to SBSTA on matters related to article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Views on the rapid operationalisation of article 6

This submission is part of a series of submissions responding to the monthly calls from the SBSTA chair covering several aspects of article 6

The operationalisation of Article 6 should guarantee integrity, transparency and inclusiveness. Speed should not undermine the overall objective of contributing to the Paris Agreement goals.

Operationalisation should in particular focus on:

● Adopting and detailing safeguards, including local stakeholder consultation rules and the establishment of a grievance mechanism
● Identifying and carefully reviewing all methodologies considered under article 6.4, in particular with respect to additionality, baseline setting, and permanence requirements
● Delivering on the principle of overall mitigation in global emissions through the adoption of a mechanism to guarantee the automatic partial cancellation of units
● Adopting systems to proactively inform stakeholders of article 6 developments

See full submission

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