West Africa Civil Society Workshop – Impact of “post Paris” climate policies on sustainable development, October 11&12, Dakar


2015 has been a decisive year for the fight against climate change, notably with the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Also finance flows have been set in motion with the operationalization of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). But much work remains to be done to implement these important processes.

The perspective of West Africa in these processes is important, not least because of the climate change impacts that are already a daily reality for many regions, but also because it will be essential that the potentially available climate finance is spent in a transparency, accountable and sustainable way as well as in accordance with a human rights based approach. In this regard, local civil society will have a key role advocating for stringent rules in international and national decision making processes.

This workshop aims to build understanding and capacity on the challenges of post Paris climate policies, focusing in particular on the social and environmental integrity of carbon markets and climate finance.

The workshop programme will address the following topics:

  • Overview of international climate policies post Paris Agreement
  • Lessons learned from the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) with regards to sustainable development benefits
  • Civil society participation and engagement in current policy processes, such as UNFCCC or NDC revisions 

Workshop documentation 

  • See the programme here
  • Read the workshop report here
  • Read the workshop statement here


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