Transitioning to a new era of flexible mechanisms for increased ambition – COP24

UNFCCC – Official Side Event  – Katowice, Poland

Tue, 04 Dec 2018 – 16:45-18:15
Room: Warmia

In light of the potential impacts of old Kyoto mechanisms on the Paris Agreement, this event will discuss how to transition towards a new system for international transfers under Article 6, and how to adopt safeguards to ensure that markets actually contribute to reducing overall emissions, respect human and indigenous rights, and promote sustainable development.

Panelists will provide a diverse range of views on the lessons which can be drawn from past experiences, such as with the Clean Development Mechanism, in order to inform the design of new markets.


  • Sophie Closson (International carbon markets negotiator, Belgium): Transitioning from Kyoto to Paris, what are the options on the table to improve the climate impact of carbon markets.
  • Alberto Saldamando (Indigenous Environmental Network): Non-market approaches, environmental justice in carbon markets and the importance of social and Indigenous and Human Rights safeguards
  • Carsten Warnecke (NewClimate Institute): 181204_COP24_TransitionToAmbition_NewClimate_final
  • Gilles Dufrasne (Carbon Market Watch): CMW presentation lessons from the CDM_final

Moderator: Erika Lennon (Center for international environmental law)  


This event is co-organised by:

German NGO Forum on Environment and Development, Indigenous Environmental Network & Carbon Market Watch

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