Student Debate: The Carbon Battle

INVITATION – Student Debate @IES
Tuesday, 28th March 2017 | 18.30 – 20.30
Rome and Lisbon rooms, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 5, floor -1

To attend please register here

The Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in cooperation with Carbon Market Watch, hosted an interactive academic debate on European Climate Policy. As part of their Masters course on Climate and Energy Governance in the European Union, four teams of students debated the following two propositions:

  • Proposition A: “An emissions trading system (ETS) is an effective instrument to reduce emissions and meet climate goals.”
  • Proposition B: ”A high degree of flexibility to meet the targets is instrumental for cost-effective and ambitious climate action”

An expert panel will provide comments and assess the performance of the teams along with the audience who will choose the most compelling case.

Panel Members:
Jakop Dalunde, Member of European Parliament
Christian Holzleitner, Policy Advisor, DG Climate Action, European Commission
Marco Mensink, Director General, The European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)
Femke de Jong, EU Policy Director, Carbon Market Watch

The debates were moderated by Tomas Wyns, Researcher, IES-VUB

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