UNFCCC Side Event: Ensuring integrity of Paris Agreement Art. 6 – challenges and opportunities from a civil society perspective

Time and venue

Thursday 11 May, 16.45 – 18.15
Bonn Climate Change Conference, Room Bonn (181)


The Paris Agreement’s Article 6 opens a new era for international carbon markets, establishing multiple avenues for cooperation, including the Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM). Carbon markets will need to function in a radically changed world, where all Parties have commitments towards a common 1.5 degree target and longer term de-carbonization goal.

At this event, experts reflected on crucial elements to ensure robust governance and social and environmental integrity of the new mechanisms. At the occasion of the event, a new policy briefing “Building blocks for a robust Sustainable Development Mechanism” will be launched.

Reactions by negotiators:
  • Sven Braden, Liechtenstein/EIG
  • Andrei Marcu, Panama
  • MJ Mace, St Lucia

This event was moderated by Aki Kachi, Carbon Market Watch

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