Policy Side Event: Ensuring human rights in climate change mitigation actions

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Event Background:

Climate actions need to respect, protect and fulfill human rights. Past experiences with mechanisms established under the UNFCCC are critical for shaping the newly established Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM). The event will reflect on lessons learnt from positive and negative impacts of climate mitigation actions. Speakers will underline the need for robust safeguards for future climate action and discuss the way forward. At the occasion of the event, a new report “Human rights implications of climate change mitigation actions” will be launched.


Kate Dooley, University of Melbourne:

“Human Rights implications of land-based mitigation actions”

Juliane Voigt, Carbon Market Watch: 

“Human Rights implications of climate mitigation actions – lessons that need to be learnt”

Alyssa Johl, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL):

“Experience with the Barro Blanco dam in Panama”


Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of  Indigenous Peoples

Alyssa Johl, CIEL

Juliane Voigt, Carbon Market Watch

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